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—— 泰戈爾 流螢集

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“A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose – a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve.”

– John C. Maxwell, Leadership Author


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人們會忘記你說的話、做的事,但絕不會忘記你帶給他們的感受-馬婭·安傑盧 (美國作家、詩人)



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我們來到世上, 不是為了去修補、改變或貶低另一個人, 而是為了支持、寬恕和療癒另一個人。

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“Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.”

– Napoleon Hill, Motivational Writer


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“Look well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.”

– Kālidāsa, Classical Sanskrit Writer


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“The sun can make you take off your coat more quickly than the wind; and kindliness, the friendly approach and appreciation can make people change their minds more readily than all the bluster and storming in the world.”

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「不要把今天的壞運當作人生的命運, 因為壞運通常只是一時的,但一直被它掌管,那就會是一輩子的。」

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